Independent Directors
The basic philosophy behind an endeavour towards better corporate governance is to achieve business excellence. The Company believes that Teamwork starts with the Board and continues to the various levels of the Management. It is based on a common understanding that real teamwork is only possible where people trust each other and Trust can only grow where we treat each other transparently, openly and fairly.
Induction, orientation or familiarisation programmes are part of our Culture and applicable to all layers of management and the Board Members, which are designed based upon the position / Job requirements.
Guided by the principles laid down on the Corporate Governance under SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and the Companies Act 2013, the familiarisation programs and trainings aim to provide insights of the Company, including nature of Industry in which the Company operates, Business Model of the Company, Relevant information on Business Processes and Roles, Responsibilities, Duties and Rights of the Directors including Independent Directors.
Induction of Independent Directors
At the time of appointment, a formal letter of appointment is given to the Independent Director, which inter alia states the role, function, duties and responsibilities, which an Independent director is expected to perform.
Independent Directors are provided with necessary documents / brochures, Memorandum & Articles of Association and copies of internal policies, Shareholding patterns, information on promoters and Group, to enable them to familiarize with the Company’s procedures, policies, guidelines and practices, with which Company does its operations.
Familiarisation and Trainings to Directors
The Directors including Independent Directors are apprised through presentations / discussions, on periodical basis on the Business performance, Economic and Industry Trend, global business environment, business strategy, Risks & Compliance Management System and Critical Business Processes. Further, all Directors are provided trainings through various programs and workshops relating to the business of the Company. Visits to manufacturing facilities are also organised, which enhances the Directors’ awareness about the Company’s operations and also benefit the Company with their valuable inputs and suggestions.
The Directors of the Company have access to the information relating to the Company. They interact with the Key Managerial Personnel and seek any information they need to discharge their functions effectively.
The details of the Programmes shall be uploaded on the Company’s website for public information and a web link for the same shall also be provided in the Annual Report of the Company.
Details of Familiarization Programmes imparted to the Independent Directors